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Divorce, Dissolution, Legal Separation

When a couple decides to end their marriage the attorneys at O Family Law can help them navigate that legal process and explain the various steps and stages of the process.  The attorneys of O Family Law represent clients in all types of cases to terminate the legal relationship between the married couple in Kentucky and Ohio, including, legal separation, divorce, and dissolution.  O Family Law represents wives and husbands in these actions.

The ultimate goal of a divorce, dissolution, or legal separation is to separate the parties and their property.  If there are children, it is also necessary to determine custody and issues related to parenting.  The parties either reach an agreement on these issues or a trial occurs where a judge or magistrate decides these issues.

There are various approaches for parties that are contemplating going through a divorce, dissolution, or legal separation.  Overmann Family Law will work with our clients to create a personalized approach to determine what is best for them.

Contact Us

Get in touch today to find out how Overmann Family Law can help you.
Our office will contact you to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.

Collaborative Practice
KBF Kentucky Bar Foundation
Kentucky Bar Association
Northern Kentucky Bar Association
Super Lawyers
ABA Family Law
Jennifer Overmann Family Law