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Child Custody & Visitation

The legal and physical custody of a child is an important part of a divorce, dissolution, or legal separation when children are involved.  A custody determination is also necessary when there are two parents who were not married at the time a child was born, or when someone other than a parent is caring for child when a parent is unable to properly care for the child.  Overmann Family Law assists clients through this emotional and confusing experience whether they are a parent or other person who is caring for a child who is not their own. 

We represent mothers, fathers, and relatives in Kentucky and Ohio in custody actions involving: legal custody, physical custody, parenting time, visitation, shared parenting, and relocation. 

Each family is unique and it is important for the parties involved in the case to focus on the children and what is in their best interest.  At O Family Law, our lawyers work with the client to come up with a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child. We help clients generate customized options that are right for their family and situation.

Contact Us

Get in touch today to find out how Overmann Family Law can help you.
Our office will contact you to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.

Collaborative Practice
KBF Kentucky Bar Foundation
Kentucky Bar Association
Northern Kentucky Bar Association
Super Lawyers
ABA Family Law
Jennifer Overmann Family Law